Wednesday, April 29, 2009

EDM 310's Effect (Continued)

If there is anything that I wish that I would have learned in this class that would have been how to create and maintain a website. That is definitely one area that I wish we would have covered. Everyone seems to have a website these days, and I would like to know how their created and maintained. The one thing that isn't covered in this class I think should be is the origin and the process of the STI system that schools use. I've only heard about it from current teachers, but I have never experienced it myself. The advice that that I would give future students for this class is don't wait to the last minute to start assignments. START EARLY!!!!

EDM 310's Effect

This semester has been one of my more trying semesters. In the real world I have to meet very few time deadlines which placed me at a disadvantage when i came to turning in assignments in this class. Nevertheless I have learned quite a few things in this class. The most important things I learned was how to make a podcast and how to create and use a blog. The podcast was a very exciting way to allow my voice to be heard, and blogging allowed my freedom and opinion to be expressed in a written form. Both were very liberating because they both centered on a topic I love the most which is freedom of speech. The next most intriguing subject I learned about was iTunes. I had a bit of trouble in the beginning access it, but once I got the hang of it I really enjoyed the subjects offered. I was quite impressed with the number of prestigious universities on the site. Overall this class gave a different view of how the world is forever changing around me. My introduction to igoogle, google documents, RSS feeds, and of course excel all helped me realize that technology is necessary in order for me to be a better teacher. So, to Professor Wakeman I say "Thank You" for my introduction into "Another World" I like to call world of technology.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

iTunes University

iTunes University is an education tool offered by the Apple Company. It gives access to teachers, students, and administrators to vast amounts of educational information. You have to download the software required to view and listen to materials in iTunes. Once in you have the opportunity to view podcasts and watch videos on what seems like an unlimited amount of information. There is information on there from hundreds of universities and colleges in the U.S. and internationally. If you are a teacher or even a student you can post material on iTunes University.
Edutopia is a segment of iTunes University that has video as well as podacasts on several different subjects. Some of the areas of content include social and emotional learning, technology integration, and integrated studies just to name a few. There is information that an educator can utilize from universities such as Cambridge, Stanford, and MIT. If there is a specific subject that a teacher is looking for it can be found here. Much of the information can be accessed by students and used as discussion points in their classes.
WGBH which is like a public service component of iTunes University which offers a lot of information on science and performing arts. It is very easy to access, and much of the information is very concise and informative. All of the information can be saved, or it can be viewed or listen to by yours students. To find out more about iTunes University go to

Class Podcasts

The first of the two past podcasts that I listened to was “Possibilities for using Facebook in an Educational Setting”, by Allison Midgette and Shaundretta Bethel in fall of 2008. The podcast actually was a very beginning to a topic that the two ladies or anyone else could elaborate on. The two ladies each gave an account of the pros of using facebook. Allison had first hand experience using Facebook in the classroom with students, and Shaundretta did some extensive research of individuals who have used it. It sounded like the ladies were a little bit nervous at first, but as they went on the podcast got better. It was quick, informative and to the point.
There are a few things that I would have done differently. The first thing I would have done different is to speak slower when mentioning some of the websites or procedures for using Facebook. I like to take notes while listening, so if the instructors are speaking to fast I have to rewind in order to get the information I need. The second would be to engage more with my colleagues to create a buzz for others to go out and try Facebook. I would have talked up the use sort of like a salesman. Overall I liked this particular podcast; I thought it was pretty well done.

The second podcast that I listened to was “Blogs and Blogging”, by Silas Smith, Andrea Williams, and Lashonda Pruitt in fall 2008. This particular podcast started out like a how to podcast, but shortly into it Andrea and Silas began to engage into some informative dialogue with one another. This dialogue I liked between the two. What I focused on the most was what Silas referred to as “common sense” actions with dealing with blogging. He was very opinionated, engaging, and to the point. Once again I liked his contribution, and the structure of this podcast.
The only thing that I would do different was to try and get everyone engaged in the discussion. Lashonda gave the facts and Silas elaborated on the facts. The opportunity to discuss, debate, or agree on ideas is at the core of a podcast. Finally, one of the most important aspects of a podcasts if possible is the ability to edit content. If editing is available I urge everyone to use it. Overall I enjoyed this podcast the most of the two that I listened to.

Experiencing "Podcast"

My experience with Pod casts is somewhat limited to information pertaining to sports. I signed up as an ESPN insider and I was able to listen to past radio shows. The shows that I listen to are always entertaining and most generally have commercials along with them. The Pod casts that I listened to on iTunes were very similar to what I have been accustom to listening to. The only difference is the content.
The first four Pod casts that I listened all started with small talk by the hosts. The small talk consisted of various things such as the weather in their cities, setting up the Pod cast just to mention a few. Once you get through the small talk by fast forwarding, the information is pretty informative. You have to listen very closely because you may miss something because of all the small talk.
The MacBreak weekly was very long and uninteresting to me. If I were into technology I would have found it extremely interesting.

Blogging Diversity

The world of technology may not have reached all parts of society yet, but it has certainly left its footprint deep in many of America’s schools. One example of technology impacting schools is the story of Brenda Dyck’s middle school enrichment class at She started using blogs for her class back in 2004 as a way for them to reflect. The class was assigned the Eleanor Rigby Project, which was about the homelessness. The blogs that the students had, Mrs. Dyck help them create at It gave the students an opportunity to reflect on the project and offer possible solutions to homelessness. The student’s blogged daily and Mrs. Dyck used some of the student’s blogs as discussion topics in future classes.

The students in Mr. Dyck’s class were very detailed in their blogs. An example of the type of blogs that students turned in is a follows:
"One of my own opinions on homes and the homeless is that there are people in the world who may have a roof over their heads but can still be homeless, like orphans and wives whose husbands abuse them. To me a home is more than a house; it is a place where you feel "at home." How can you call a place a home if you feel alone and insecure there? There is a song by the Dixie Chicks called "A Home" and it sort of talks about that. The chorus goes: 'Not a night goes by that I don't dream of wandering, through a house that might have been a home. I listen to my pride... and every day I wake up in, in a house that might have been a home.' The song also touches on the fact that a lot of people are homeless because of decisions they have made. I would like to explore that a little more. I know that I would never get over myself if I knew that I was on the street or all alone just because I did a few stupid things."
The feedback that Mrs. Dyck received from the students was overwhelming and was an excellent way to revitalize the student’s interest in writing.

The next website that showed examples of blogs being used in classrooms in the USA was at, whereby a teacher named Mrs. C posts great ideas for class topics. She appears to post new material about every six days. The topics that she engages her students in vary from science to history to astrology. The class is made up of fifth and sixth grade students. There is another teacher mentioned by the name of Mrs.R who also teaches various subjects, but Mrs. C does a majority of the blogging.

Photo of Mrs.C Science class 2nd Photo of Science class

The world of blogging has become an international phenomenon. An example of blogging being used in an international setting is at On this website it explains how blogs are being used in Portugal pre service teacher education programs. There were 26 student teachers, 14 from natural science and 12 from foreign languages. They were all asked to setup and maintain web-blogs for their future students for ten weeks. In a post interview the teachers thoroughly enjoyed their experience blogging although they never had any prior experience blogging.

ACCESS Program and The Fischbowl

The movie on technology was very informative. It went into detail on just how often the Internet is accessed and how using computers has become an almost must have. The age at which kids are learning about computers and accessing the Internet is unbelievable. The expansion of the Internet will be no problem in the future due to proper planning. As a future educator technology will become absolutely necessary in order for me to succeed. According to the movie the world is moving to a more international makeup and one of the main countries for such is right here in the U.S. If technology and computers you choose to do without, I'll be the first to tell you good luck.

The website ACCESS is very resourceful for students and parents. It also offers teachers employment opportunities and an opportunity to get deserving classes that they otherwise would never be able to take. The website is helpful because it offers a number of different classes in almost every subject even psychology and foreign languages. The website also offers virtual field trips. As an educator I would definitely encourage eager students who want to be challenged by more than what the school I’m teaching at is offering.
The website also offers teachers the opportunity to work as instructors for the site at which is an excellent opportunity for teachers to earn extra money and expand their teaching experience. To become an instructor also has benefits for teachers in the form of networking with other teachers and expanding their knowledge of technology.
For parents, the website allows them to take a look at the different courses that they may want their children to take. It also gives criteria of what a good candidate should posses to succeed at distance learning. Parents could use the information to inform their child’s school if it is something that they feel will benefit their learning.

ALEX and ACCESS Programs

The Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) is an excellent resource for teachers. It offers teachers the option to lookup lesson plans, websites, and online learning resources. The exchange is broken down by grades as well as subjects. Underneath the courses of study a teacher can access web-links, videos and lesson plans associated with the courses. The lesson plans correlate with the standards set by the state in the various subjects. The website is constantly changing so some material that isn’t found immediately may emerge at a later time.
The Learning Exchange also offers teacher’s personal workspace which they can sign up for to create and store lesson plans and professional development materials. The professional development web-sites offered are very diverse to teachers of all subjects. The exchange also offers teachers the opportunity to teach online courses offered to students. This particular web-site is very beneficial to any teacher in grades K thru 12.
As a teacher I would certainly utilize some of the lesson plans offered as well as videos. The lesson plans I would utilize to add more variety to my classes when I’ve exhausted all of my own lesson plans. I would make use of videos when I don’t have videos from the library or other teachers available. I also would suggest courses for students to take on the web-site if what they aren’t interested in isn’t offered.
I certainly would sign up for the free personal space offered on the exchange. It is important to me as well as my students that I continue my professional development, and have a place to store lesson plans and web-sites online. Finally I would utilize the exchange to find professional organizations and conferences to help me become the best teacher possible.